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Final degree project

The Final Degree Project (TFG) of the Veterinary Graduate degree from the ULPGC is structured into:

Prerequisites to be able to present the TFG

In order to present the TFG you must have passed all other subjects of the degree, 294 ECTS passed. This does not imply that you cannot start doing your TFG earlier. It is therefore a requirement for its presentation and defense before the court that you must comply with when you submit the application for evaluation.


The TFG commission will annually approve a document that will be called "Portfolio" and whose contents will be prepared from the proposals of all the areas involved in the verification of the competences of day one (Day-One Skills) established by the EAEVE.

The portfolio must collect the evaluation qualification of each one of the competences of day one through evaluation activities. As specified in the degree verification report, these activities will be carried out in the subjects Clinical Practices, External Practices and Mobile Clinic I and II and Clinical Rotation in Companion Animals and Clinical Rotation in Large Animals. Each activity will be evaluated by a Tutor Professor who must be assigned by the TFG Commission. The portfolio will detail the criteria that the evaluator must take into account to assess the completion of the competition. The portfolio will be written in English.

As of the 2019-2020 academic year, the portfolio is managed through a computer application, e-portfolio integrated into the Academic application.

End of Title Project

In the case of the Degree, the TFG formats to be presented can be some of the following:

  1. Research, development and innovation work, and experimental work related to Veterinary Medicine, which may be carried out in Departments or University Centers, Research Centers, companies and other related institutions. In the case of being carried out in collaboration with companies, the interest of their legal representative in collaborating in the TFG must be accredited.
  2. Jobs of a professional nature directly related to Veterinary Medicine.
  3. Other works that will correspond to offers from the Departments or from the students themselves, not adjusted to the previous modalities, such as: Presentation of a Clinical Case or Cases, Retrospective or prospective clinical/pathological study, Bibliographic review on the pathogenesis, strategies, diagnostic, therapeutic and/or novel control (less than 5 years) of a disease, Risk Analysis and Control of Critical Points, Preparation of a Guide to Good Hygiene Practices, Preparation of a health or Preventive Medicine program for a livestock farm or zoo, Preparation of a Basic health, production and welfare report, Preparation of an expert report, Preparation of basic projects for livestock farms.
Academic Tutors

In order to guarantee the best academic supervision, the TFG must be assigned to an area of knowledge and it will coincide with the area of knowledge of the tutor and/or co-tutor.

The list of professors (in alphabetical order) who teach the title and their offer of TFGs will be published annually. Regardless of this offer, the student may propose a TFG not included in said list.

In the application for assignment of the TFG title and tutor, students must propose the subject and a shortlist of tutors (ordered in order of preference) from among the list of tutors whose area corresponds to the theme of the TFG. Said request will state exclusively the approval of the first professor who proposes for his/her tutelage, and must have had the verbal commitment of the other two. Likewise, it may indicate the designation of a co-tutor.

The TFG Commission will assign academic tutors to the TFG applications. In case of conflict, a tutor will be assigned starting with the student with the best average grade in the academic record.

As stipulated in article 7.1 of the ULPGC General End-of-Degree Project Regulations, the following delegation of powers is established: the Faculty Board delegates to the End-of-Degree Project Commission the establishment of the minimum and maximum number of TFG that a professor can supervise and co-supervise each academic year and will do so taking into account the number of works and tutors to be assigned. Once the possibility of assigning any of the 3 tutors proposed in the application has been exhausted, an available tutor will be assigned from the same area and chosen at random or, failing that, from a related area.

The updated list of professors who teach at the center and with the offer of Final Degree Projects is presented below.



The evaluating courts will be made up of three members: a president and two members. All professors who teach at the center, and who are assigned to the areas included in the teaching organization plan of the degree, are obliged to participate in the TFG courts. In no case may the tutor be part of the evaluation panel. It will be possible to justify the impossibility of belonging to a court for the reasons included in the General Regulation of End of Degree Work of the ULPGC.

Court Assignment.

The TFG Commission will assign each TFG proposal to an area of knowledge according to its theme and the area of the tutor.

The TFG Commission delegated by the Faculty Board, appoints the members of the courts. For this, it carries out a raffle among the professors of the area of knowledge of the TFG for the election of the President of the Court. The rest of the members of the courts will be drawn among all the professors of the areas of knowledge that they teach in the Veterinary Degree degree.

For the draws, participation in calls for previous courses will be taken into account and ensuring a balanced participation of teachers within each area and taking into account their academic dedication.

Date for the Public Exhibition before the Court of TFG. 

The Commission's minutes of agreements will include the place, date and time at which the members of the court must attend. This information will be published on the Faculty website, Official Bulletin Board and will be sent by mass email to all faculty and students.

Deadline for submitting documentation

The student must submit the Final Degree Project to the administration of the center a maximum of 7 business and school days before the date of each call. The TFG must be written entirely in English.

The student must fill out the following documents and send them to the Administration of the Veterinary Building at the email address

  • Evaluation request (download model). Mandatory sending by email from your institutional email address (type:
  • Authorization of the Tutor, and co-tutor in his case, of presentation and defense of the TFG (download model). You must indicate whether or not you authorize the publication in ACCEDA.
  • Final degree project in PDF format, preferably digitally signed. This copy will be sent to the members of the court, it will be filed in your file and it will be published in ACCEDA; For this reason, it is no longer necessary to deliver any paper copy of the TFG.

The administration of the center will send the electronic document in PDF format to the titular and alternate members of the jury at least 4 business and school days before the date of the exhibition.

Specific rules for defense before the court.

The defense of the TFG will be made before a court, with a public character and the academic tutor must be present at the act.

The student will present the TFG in English, for which they will have a minimum time of 10 minutes and a maximum of 20.

For his defense, which may be done in Spanish, the student will answer the questions and clarifications raised by the members of the court for a maximum time of 15 minutes.

Once each session of the TFG evaluation of all the summoned students has finished, the court will meet to deliberate, decide the qualification of each one of the students and will call them to solemnly inform them of this decision, proclaiming, where appropriate, the completion of their Graduate studies in Veterinary Medicine by the ULPGC. Subsequently, the court will prepare the detailed and motivated report of the defense of each of the students that it will send to the administration of the center before the period of completion of the delivery of minutes.

Students are recommended to consult the evaluation rubric and that they will find on the right as documentation for the court.


GENERAL WORK REGULATIONS FOR THE END OF DEGREE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA. Approved by the Governing Council on November 28, 2019 (BOULPGC of December 5, 2019)