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student services

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in its policy of «provide training aimed at excellence, guaranteeing an academic offer in accordance with the needs and expectations of our users» offers directly, or through central services of the ULPGC, the following services to the student:

Student Guidance Service

The Tutorial Action Plan and Student Orientation (PATOE) guarantees any student personalized attention for academic guidance or personalized support. This service is provided by the dean's team and by the administrative support staff of the dean's office.
Request an appointment by writing to the email address of the Dean's Office (admon_dec_fv@ulpgc.es) for issues related to:

  • Mobility (Erasmus, SICUE, etc.) – Vice Dean of Mobility.
  • Timetables, Academic, practice groups, … – Vice Dean of Academic Planning.
  • Academic incidences, evaluation claims and others – Dean.
Ticket office service

We offer lockers in the main building (next to the study hall). Apply for the assignment at the Veterinary Building Administration.

Pajamas Loan Service

Derived from the clothing regulations implemented to avoid cross-contamination between the different work areas and as a prophylactic measure in the transmission of diseases between groups, it is necessary to use different pajamas for the different spaces in which the practices are carried out.

Check the dress code.


Those students interested in requesting the loan of uniforms should contact the Administration of the Veterinary Building, by email. (adm_ev@ulpgc.es), using the following model (discharge).

Term: first week of each semester.


From the Deanery they will be valued according to the following order:

1.- Students who have been awarded a Scholarship *
2.- Students who have applied for a Scholarship and are pending resolution*
3.- Students without the right to a Scholarship.

* In the case of having the right to receive a Scholarship from the Ministry or the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, they must attach a photocopy of the granting of the same or of the application. In the event that the number of applications is greater than the number of uniforms, the average grade of the file will be used as selection criteria.


Once the assignment has been resolved by the Dean's Office, the student will sign a receipt and a return commitment (reverse of the application). The resolution of the requests will be communicated, by reply to the institutional mail.

3.1- A deposit of 10 euros by bank transfer to the current account of the ULPGC (IBAN ES69 2038 8745 9564 0000 1223). IMPORTANT: in the CONCEPT space put: “Deposit Uniforms" and DNI.– Sending a copy of the transfer receipt to (adm_ev@ulpgc.es). The Administration will notify you of the day you can go to the Concierge to pick up the requested material (morning hours only).

3.2- The student must return the uniforms, in the concierge of the Veterinary Building in the same conditions in which they were left (clean and in perfect condition). To do this, you must notify adm_ev@ulpgc.es in advance of the day on which you will make the return, as the deadline is the first Friday after the end of the semester's school period. Otherwise, it is understood that the student renounces the return of the deposit and subsequent material loan requests at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

3.3- Once the perfect condition of the uniform has been verified, the deposit will be returned to the Veterinary Building Administration.

3.4- Both the delivery and the return of the loan will be made between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Stethoscope Loan Service

Students can request the loan of a stethoscope to carry out clinical practices at the Hospital or at the Farms. To do so, it will be requested at the Department of the Veterinary Building. A single stethoscope will be delivered per student and must be returned the same day in the same Counseling.

Electronic Book Readers and Laptops Loan Service

You can request readers from e-books and laptops in the Veterinary Library.

Service of Group Study Rooms in the Library

The Veterinary Library has four group work rooms on its upper floor. The rules of use of these rooms in all ULPGC libraries are as follows:

  • The group work rooms can be used by any member of the ULPGC university community for purposes related to study, teaching and research.
  • The hours of use will be the same as the opening hours of the library, and the rooms must be vacated fifteen minutes before closing.
  • The occupation of the rooms may vary according to the characteristics of the different libraries (see information on the Veterinary Library in the last paragraph).
  • Each person must identify themselves with the university card. One of them must give the library staff their card and they will be given the access key, which they must return at the stipulated time together with the additional material provided by the staff. at the time of using the rooms.
  • Users and users will be responsible for the correct use of the rooms.
  • If when a new group enters the room you find that it is not in the right conditions, you must notify the library staff.
  • The use of the rooms will be for two hours, with the right to renew as long as there is no other group waiting and after consulting the library staff.
  • The library will loan markers and an eraser for use on the whiteboards.
  • You must speak in a moderate tone, respecting the rest of the users. Eating or drinking is not allowed inside the rooms except water
  • The use of the rooms for profit, including private private classes, is prohibited.
  • The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in the rooms.
  • Failure to comply with the regulations of use will mean not being able to use the rooms during the academic year.
  • In the Veterinary Library the occupation will be a minimum of three and a maximum of six users. In addition, bags, backpacks, refrigerators, etc. they will have to leave them in the available ticket offices in the same before going up to the rooms.
Attention Service for Students with Disabilities

In order to favor the necessary conditions for the full integration and normalization of people with disabilities at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, this service.

Risk Prevention Service

Consult the Student Welcome Manual on Risk Prevention in order that you know all the regulations on this matter.

Scholarships and Grants Service

Through the Academic Management and University Extension Service (Subdirectorate for Scholarships and Aid) the ULPGC offers information on the different scholarship and aid programs. Consult all the information.

Accommodation Service

Through RIC ULPGC, the ULPGC offers a service of University Residences. Consult all the information.

Mediation Service, Conflict Resolution, Intervention and Family Preservation

The ULPGC offers a free public service of an eminently social nature with the unequivocal aim of providing Canarian society with an optimal program of services aimed at resolving their conflicts in an alternative way to the judicial one.

Sports Service

Consult the link for all the information about sport activities organized and offered by the ULPGC.

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