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Start » News » May 5, 12:30 p.m. Create and Recycle Meeting. Help us protect the Environment and win a Super Trip with your best friends

May 5, 12:30 p.m. Create and Recycle Meeting. Help us protect the Environment and win a Super Trip with your best friends

Reunión Crea y Recicla. Ayúdanos a proteger el Medio AmbienteWe are waiting for you in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine this Thursday, May 5 at 12:30 p.m.

The Government of the Canary Islands and Ecoembes, in collaboration with the seven Island Councils, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the University Foundation of Las Palmas and the University of La Laguna and its Foundation, have recently presented the second edition of the project "Create and Recycle”. An initiative promoted by the Fundación Canarias Recicla, which aims to promote and disseminate the benefits of selective waste separation among the youth population of the Canary Islands and encourage the use of blue and yellow containers through a collaborative exercise. -Creation that promotes the creative thinking of young university students by generating innovative citizen awareness materials. As a result of the project, the youth population will be sensitized, audiovisual content will be generated for dissemination on social networks and a network of young environmental prescribers will be created.

Crea y Recicla will enable spaces for collaboration and co-creation, through various meetings with associations and student delegations from both universities and a network of young prescribers, capable of changing youth behavior and creating new trends and needs.
As a complement, the second edition of the audiovisual pieces contest will be launched, in which young people, making use of high doses of creativity and imagination, must try to convey one or more of the objectives of the project. The prize for the best short film that promotes the importance of separating waste will win a trip for four people to the island of their choice with tickets and accommodation included. The contest will culminate with an awards ceremony, at both universities, which will be attended by a humorist from the Canary Islands who will act as a prescriber in the campaign.

Students interested in participating in the project can obtain more information on the following website: