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Support of the CRUE to the Veterinary Clinical Hospitals and the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine

Respaldo de la CRUE a los Hospitales Clínicos Veterinarios y a las Facultades de VeterinariaAGREEMENT ADOPTED AT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY HELD AT THE AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MADRID, ON JANUARY 10, 2014 

In relation to the proposal formulated by the Conferences of Deans of Health Sciences degrees on the recognition of the teaching staff's assistance work, the General Assembly of the CRUE, in the session held on January 10, 2014, stated the following: following:

Given the importance of clinical practices in the new educational context, as a consequence of the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, Clinical Veterinary Hospitals and University Dental Clinics are essential to meet the training objectives accredited by ANECA. The maintenance of both institutions is very expensive for the Spanish University System. The care work they carry out, with clear benefits in terms of hygiene and public health, requires an additional effort from the teachers who carry out these activities.

In this sense, the CRUE has agreed to support the proposal formulated by the Conference of Deans of Health Sciences degrees that contemplates the points indicated below:

1. The inclusion in the scale of promotion of teaching staff the care work, with the same consideration as the work of management and research.

2. Regulate the conditions and characteristics of the healthcare centers dependent on the universities, as well as their operation and financing, taking into account the enormous difficulty of maintenance and sustainability associated with Veterinary Clinical Hospitals and University Dental Clinics.


On the other hand, the CRUE considers it appropriate to support the recommendations indicated in the document prepared by the Conference of Deans of Veterinary Medicine, at its meeting held in Murcia on September 18, 2013, in which the minimum requirements required of a Faculty are defined. of Veterinary Medicine to teach, in accordance with the provisions of the European Directive. The resources that these Faculties must have, apart from their own to provide university teaching of an experimental nature, are the following:

1. A Veterinary Clinical Hospital (and other Clinical Services, preferably integrated into the hospital structure) and which must be open 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.

2. Pilot Plant for Food Technology of animal origin.

3. Production farm for teaching and research purposes.

4. Access to Official Public Inspection Services.