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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULPGC creates an application that allows you to call list in class using your mobile



Aplicación Móvil de La Facultad de VeterinariaThe Faculty Veterinary from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) has incorporated improvements in its academic management with a mobile application that will allow the registration of student attendance to the academic activities of the subjects. After a month of implementation, the Dean of the Faculty, Juan Alberto Corbera, points out that this new system "is effective and works correctly". 

The APP has been developed on the two main platforms, Android and IOS, and allows teachers to record student attendance to any type of academic activity programmed for the subjects: theory, practices, tutorials, evaluation, etc.

In a matter of seconds, the teacher obtains evidence of the attendance of all the students present in the classroom. To do this, a code is generated, which only valid at roll call, and the teacher only has to verify that the number of attendees matches the number of signatories to avoid fraudulent registration.

use the application databaseAcademic, a web application that the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been using for 10 years to manage subject schedules and academic planning in a comprehensive way. Academic It shows each user, teacher or student, their personalized agenda according to the practice groups. The individual information is compatible and exportable to the Google Calendar and Apple Calendar applications, in such a way that the integration with the personal agendas of teachers and students is immediate.

In addition to the elimination of paper in the management of evidence of teaching academic activities, these applications allow a real time management of the teaching of events by teacher and, in this way, the certification of teaching given, information on the use of classrooms, information on student attendance, among other matters, is automatically managed.

The tool also allows efficient management of spacesTherefore, information on the use of each classroom and availability for the reservation of classrooms for other types of events is obtained from the Building Department.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULPGC has opted to incorporate all the technological innovations that allow a more agile and efficient management of university resources.

The original idea comes from the Dean and professor of the Faculty Juan Alberto Corbera, and was developed by external companies that provided knowledge in computer programming. As these platforms have been financed with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's own resources, both Academic and the APP for student attendance registration are the property of the ULPGC and can be used by any of its centers.