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Sept 28 World Rabies Day

Día mundial de la Lucha contra la Rabia


On the 28th, the World Day to Fight Rabies will be celebrated, a day with which the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) wants to raise awareness and call everyone to action against rabies, because rabies is everyone's business , not just from vets or dog owners. For this reason, the motto of this year's campaign is: "Rage ends here, with me" with the aim of showing the satisfaction of being a responsible person towards your dog and towards society.
Rabies continues to kill 70,000 people a year, one every 10 minutes, and it exists in 2/3 of the countries in the world... a time bomb if we take into account the globalization in which we live, ships going from one port to another , with more "passengers" than we see descending from them, with countries like Morocco (so close) with endemic rabies and with fashions, such as "anti-vaccination", which are a very serious risk to public health.
An animal that entered or returned to our country having been exposed to the virus without the correct immunization offered by adequate vaccination guidelines, as has already happened a few years ago, represents a real threat.
That is why we need an effective barrier and that barrier is the vaccination of susceptible animals, especially dogs.

Only through vaccination can the OIE goal for 2030 be achieved: zero human cases of rabies, and to this end it has distributed 22.2 million vaccines in Africa this year.

From the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine we join this important campaign of the OIE, especially significant for our territory due to its proximity to the African continent and for this we ask everyone for their collaboration, also political and institutional representatives, to join this campaign of global awareness and publish or upload to social networks photographs with their dogs and the slogan "Rage ends here, with me", having sent invitations in this regard to the different mayors of the province, presidents of island councils and heads of the Government of Canarias, extending it as is logical to those most involved in this fight, that is, to all fellow veterinarians who wish to collaborate.

Thank you for participating in something that concerns us all…