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Quality management system

The Faculty's Quality Management System was developed thanks to the support of the Evaluation Office Institutional Office of the Vice President for Quality of the ULPGC who helped us to participate in the first pilot project AUDITING together with the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting. The first document, the ULPGC framework model, was prepared by the Cabinet in February 2008 and in March it was reviewed by the Quality Commission and approved by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

In January 2009, the ANECA allegations were incorporated and finally in September 2009 we received the final report and the certificate that certifies that the SGC complies with the standards and guidelines established in the AUDIT program. The implementation began in the 2009-2010 academic year and specifically in April 2010 is when we began its full implementation.

On June 13, 2018, the Resolution of the Certification Commission of the ANECA AUDIT program was received, FAVORABLY reporting the implementation of the Quality Management System (report).

El 29 de noviembre de 2023 se recibe la Resolución de Comisión de Certificación del programa AUDIT (ANECA) en la que se informa FAVORABLEMENTE de la renovación del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de la Facultad de Veterinaria (report)

Quality Commission


  • Dean. Miguel Batista Arteaga
  • Vice Dean of Quality and Equality.  María del Pino Palacios Díaz (Secretary).
  • Vice Dean of Ordination and Academic Coordination. Soraya Deniz Suarez.
  • Faculty:
    • Depts. of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology and Immunology + Biology + Physics + Mathematics + Chemistry.
      • Ignacio Javier González Robayna (T)/Domingo Navarro Bosch (S)
    • Department of Clinical Sciences.
      • Vacant
    • Dept. of Morphology. 
      • Marisa Andrada Borzollino (T) / Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros y Zayas (S)
    • Dept. of Animal Pathology, Animal Production, Bromatology and Food Technology.
      • Vanessa Mendoza Grimon (T) / Ruben Rosales Santana (S)
  • Administration and Services Staff (Building Administrator or person delegated). 
    • María Victoria Moreno Jiménez (T) / Begoña Trinidad Beranger Mateo (S)
  • students (2)
    • Samuel Santana Perez
    • Adonis David Darías Guerrera

Commission website (Access to the minutes)

Policy and General Quality Objectives
Results of Monitoring and Accreditation Reports (ACCUEE)
TITLE MONITORING REPORTS: After the verification process of the Council of Universities and the authorization of the Autonomous Community, the Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, modified by the Royal Decree 861/2010, of July 2, establishes the monitoring of the official titles registered in the Registry of universities, centers and titles (RUCT), until the moment in which they must undergo the evaluation again to renew their accreditation. Thus, and taking into account the European Criteria and Guidelines for Quality Management in Higher Education, the REACU recommendations and the basic guidelines established at the national level on the monitoring of official titles that are included in the protocol developed by the University Commission for the Regulation of Monitoring and Accreditation (CURSA); the Canarian Agency for University Evaluation and Accreditation (ACCUEE) has launched a monitoring program for newly introduced degrees at the Universities of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. RENEWAL REPORTS OF TITLES ACCREDITATION:
Evidence of Public Information according to PCC08

PEC01 – Elaboración y revisión de la política de calidad:

PAC01 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la gestión de los documentos:

PAC02 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la gestión de los recursos materiales:

PAC03 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la gestión de los servicios:

PAC04 – Procedimiento de apoyo a la gestión de la extinción de las enseñanzas:

PAC05 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la selección y admisión de estudiantes:

PAC06 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la gestión de las incidencias académicas:

PAC07 – Procedimiento de apoyo para medición de la satisfacción, expectativas y necesidades:

PAC08 – Procedimiento de apoyo para el análisis de resultados y rendición de cuentas:

PAC09 – Procedimiento de apoyo para la gestión de no conformidades:

PCC01 – Procedimiento clave para la Definición del perfil de ingreso y captación de estudiantes:

PCC02 – Procedimiento clave para la planificación de las enseñanzas:

PCC03 – Procedimiento clave para la orientación al estudiante:

PCC04 – Procedimiento clave para la gestión de la movilidad de los estudiantes:

PCC05 – Procedimiento clave para la gestión del desarrollo de las enseñanzas y evaluación de estudiantes:

PCC06 – Procedimiento clave para la gestión de los trabajos de fin de títulos:

PCC07 – Procedimiento clave para la gestión de las prácticas externas:

PCC08 – Procedimiento clave de información pública: